Running Around Tacoma — St. Paddy's Run 2019

St. Paddy’s Day Run Tacoma, Tacoma Runners, Running, Races, 10k, Half Marathon, Half Fanatics

Well it’s been a little while friends!

Somehow Washington really flipped and decided that it should be summer now, a week or two after the last snowfall… But at least the thermostat in my paper-thin 1920s house is actually reading above what it’s set to for once (hey-o lower energy bill).

St. Paddy’s Day Run Tacoma, Tacoma Runners, Running, Races, 10k, Half Marathon, Half Fanatics

This turn of weather into the 70s had perfect timing too, bringing some nice running weather for the St. Paddy’s Run Tacoma. I started out so many years ago running the 5k, then switched to the 10k in college, before working my way up to the half marathon in 2015, shortly after becoming a Half Fanatic in 2014 (with 3 half marathons in 3 months). I dreaded the mile 7 hill and the uphill finish of the St. Paddy’s in the first couple of years, but learned to love the challenge and it’s ended up being my favorite TCMA race.

St. Paddy’s Day Run Tacoma, Tacoma Runners, Running, Races, 10k, Half Marathon, Half Fanatics

Now, most days you’ll find me at the the gym but there’s a lot to be said about finishing a race. It’s something that my mom and I have gotten to do together as I’ve grown and (slooooowly) gotten faster and stronger. I’m definitely driven by accomplishment, even if that means pushing my limits and showing myself that my body is capable of running 13.1 continuous miles or that I get a finisher’s medal at the end. Not gonna lie though, those medals have definitely been the driving factor of choosing the half over the 10k, plus the bonus Crown of the Sound for running 3 TCMA half marathons in a year of course.

During the winter, it’s almost impossible for me to get myself outside to run. A couple weeks ago my mom found me a treadmill that someone was giving up, and it’s been a huge help. I’ve never been a morning person—I hope someday I’ll get there—but waking up even 15-30 min early to hop on (or drag myself onto) the treadmill and run a mile or two before getting ready has been a real game changer for me.

Usually when I set my alarm early, I snooze it until I ABSOLUTELY have to get out of bed. But on days that I plan to get on my treadmill, I remind myself of how I’m really not gaining much more rest between the 9 minute intervals of my alarm snoozing/sounding and that I’d feel so much better and more accomplished if I even ran for a mile to start my day. Not having to drive to the gym (even if it’s a 7 min drive…) and not having to look ready to be seen in public is pretty nice too. I can wake up, put on a sports bra and shorts, and get on with it. I can tell you, I never regret it. I end up starting the day so much better because I’m more awake and can get ready faster, which means I have time to put together a breakfast and make coffee and don’t have to rush my way to work.

This past year hasn’t been the best for my body…I threw out my back a year ago, the weekend before last year’s St. Paddy’s Run and had to take time off running and lifting, spending my time at the chiropractor instead. Then I ambitiously went for the Tacoma Marathon series, running a 5k followed by a half, and then an ultra marathon (my first one) the next day. Needless to say, my body was worked and I spent the rest of the year rehabbing and strengthening my hips/knees (lots of single-leg focused leg days!). But that recovery process is something I can get into another day! For now I’m glad to be running, finishing, and feeling fresh off this past weekend’s 10k…and I’m already signed up for the half marathon next year. I’ll get back there!

St. Paddy’s Day Run Tacoma, Tacoma Runners, Running, Races, 10k, Half Marathon, Half Fanatics

It’s never too late or early to get active, even if it is just that 15 min run to start your day. And speaking from experience, sometimes it’s best to go slow to give your body some time to catch up. Like I said, I promise you won’t regret it!
